Wednesday, 18 April 2012

....and then the lights went out!

So it is now day 4 here in Bamenda and it has been a whirlwind of orientation week with three more days to go. Yesterday we went to Commercial Av to check out the supermarkets where some North American products are sold, as well as the food market in town. One of the supermarkets has a bakery attached so we are excited to check that out more. And the food market is a maze!!! So many stalls, so many laneways that Sara and I will definitely get lost in there, but I think we're okay with that and we are excited to go for our first shopping trip there ourselves next week. We did purchase a few things there, as well as some bananas and papayas at a few other stalls to begin practicing our bargaining skills: hopefully mine will improve :).  Last night we went to get omlettes and potato chips (fries) from a food stall near our house.....and then the lights went out! They came back on shortly after, but went out again for about 10 minutes and came back on as we were heading home with our delicious smelling dinner. And it was delicious! Honestly, some of the best fries I have ever had. The omlette was also good, a little strange with spaghetti in it but you didn't even notice it. After dinner we headed to the office to go on the internet...and then the lights went out!

This morning we headed to SAJOCAH where we will spending three days a week. It's a bit of a bumpy ride but not too bad and only takes about 40 minutes. We got a brief tour and met Sister Petra and the other staff. I honestly can not be more excited to start placement there on Monday. Everyone is so friendly and both the clients and staff were all working so hard, and were so welcoming to us. A lot of the children there came right up to Sara and I to shake our hands, one didn't want to let go as we got back in the car to head home. Sr Petra told us that they are expect more than double the clients they currently have in May so looks like we will be busy which I think is exciting!

We were about to eat dinner tonight........and then the lights went! This time for about 20 minutes, came back on for two, and then out for maybe five more minutes. And now I think I have to explain that I really didn't know how dark it could be until experiencing a power outage here. It is literally pitch black, and you know how usually your eyes adjust so you can at least make out figures or shapes to kinda of get around? Well that never happened the entire time the lights were out. I couldn't see my hands in front of me. And when the lights do come back on it's almost a shock to the system they seem so bright. But we have now learnt our soon as it gets dark, the flashlight comes out and gets taken everywhere with us just in case!!!

Biggest gift since I have arrived here: seeing Mr. Julius', Emmanuel's and Sr Petra's faces when we told them about the fundraising we did and how amazingly generous Sara and I's family and friends are. So THANK YOU! The BCCSDR and SAJOCAH also send their thanks and are so so grateful. The joy, shock and gratefulness on their faces is something I will never forget!

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